2023 Ogden LN6-8 3 Point Frame 6′ – 8′ – Stock#0002562
Advertised Price $1,850

Chain harrows cover the ground better than any other type available. The flexible design of the Harrow lets the unit hug ground contours regardless of terrain. The Harrow can be reversed for aggressive action pulled one way, or lighter action the other.



Features and Benefits:
-ideal for small tractors for ease of transport
-easy to set up & disconnect for storage
-chain link mounting keeps your harrow working with maximum flexibility
– unique design keeps center of gravity close to tractor
-Cat I & most of Cat II 3-point hitch tractors

Three-Point Lifts Are Great For:
-Horse and race tracks
-Lawn and gardens
-Golf courses
-Sports fields
-Pasture renovation

Why C&K Equipment & Auto Sales LLC

C&K Equipment is a Family owned and operated equipment sales and service business located in Southern IL. We have our same core people since opening in 2017 and have steadily added great team members to help with our continuous growth. We have tried to grow smart adding only the highest quality brands to assure our farmers, ranchers, cattle guys, other small businesses and home owners have what they need to grow there operations as well.