2023 Taylor Pittsburg 233-KP-72-L-BX 72″ 3-Point Cultipacker – Stock#0002018
Advertised Price $1,799.95

Taylor Pittsburgh’s 3-pt Cultipacker is the ideal tool for pressing grass, clover, or alfalfa seed into the seedbed, to produce optimal soil-to-seed contact and achieve a desirable stand. It can also be used to break up dirt clods prior to planting, seeding, or fertilizing. The Cat I, 3-pt quick hitch compatible hitch, integrated parking stands, and builtin weight box make this a great tool for any homeowner or landscape professional.

MakeTaylor Pittsburgh


Width 72″
Approx. Ship Wt. 508 lbs.
HP Range 35-60 HP
Hitch Cat. I Quick Hitch Compatible

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C&K Equipment is a Family owned and operated equipment sales and service business located in Southern IL. We have our same core people since opening in 2017 and have steadily added great team members to help with our continuous growth. We have tried to grow smart adding only the highest quality brands to assure our farmers, ranchers, cattle guys, other small businesses and home owners have what they need to grow there operations as well.